Your growing baby is super scrumptious; adores the ground you walk upon and; finds your comedy hilarious.  What better friend is there?

He’s increasingly entertaining and his growing chubbiness adds to your delight.  If he hadn’t sapped your energy quite so significantly over the former three months, you’d not bother put him down for his next nap.

He has learned that you fulfill his needs and he adores you for it, but funnily enough, still doesn’t yet understand he’s an individual, separate from you.  This might be obvious by his impersonations of a barnacle - he’ll be stuck to his most favorite thing.  You.

You’ve been doing great but he’ll need to continue to understand that his world is predictable and safe and that he is valuable.  He will grow in his sense of self-worth too, as you continue to love and care for all of his developmental needs.

As the baby moves away from his newborn self, you’ll find; his natural daily rhythm to be more predictable; that he cries less; he’s more settled, and former issues like feeding and sleeping will start to fade.

Although your baby may be yet to conquer a full night’s sleep (and may be about to cut his first tooth!) he will continue to bring you joy and fun.  Get ready for your baby’s next three months!


Your baby’s muscles will be strengthening and he will be gaining increasing control over them.

  • He will start to roll and will usually conquer rolling - from front to back first, and then vice versa. Continue to give him supervised ‘tummy time’. Place suitable toys within his reach and watch him start to intentionally move toward these.  Pop him in different places to have this time and swap his toys around, so he has new things to engage and stimulate his curiosity.
    It’s easiest for a baby to learn to roll when he has no nappy on.  Don’t let him get cold though and make sure you place a waterproof mat underneath him as his pee is a guarantee!
  • His hands will start to hold things, just briefly at first, and then he’ll most likely pop them in his mouth.  Offer him teething rings and soft toys that rattle, he will especially love bright colored ones.
  • By five to six months he can chew (your nipples might be the first to notice this).
  • He will have an increase in neck strength.  Notice how his chest lifts when he raises his head.
  • He will start to sit independently, although will most likely topple if unassisted. Make sure he has loads of cushions around him!


  • He wears a ready smile and gurgles with pleasure (total click-bait).
  • He will laugh and squeal and make jerky excited movements in response to your attempts to engage and humor him.  Blow raspberries on him and pull crazy faces and he’ll know you’re the best!
  • He will babble in ‘conversation’ with you and will recognize your voice and turn toward you. Translate into words, what you think he is trying to say. Affirm and encourage his communication with you-you'll be laying down good foundations for the teenage years ;)
  • He will display interest and he’ll be super intrigued by the things and activities around him. Watch him as his eyes track you across the room.

There’s so much to enjoy about your baby and his personality will be budding right before your eyes.  Continue to look for opportunities to support his growth and development and you’ll be amazed how he moves forward in leaps and bounds.

It’s important to remember that all children are unique and develop at different speeds.  If your baby doesn’t do all the things listed above, it may be because his mind and body are focussing on some other area of development.  However, if you’re concerned about your baby’s development, never hesitate to contact your healthcare provider.

Chubby baby hugs….